
19-06-2017Time sliced multiplayer - a Super Mario World mod
11-06-2017Yoshi Coin Mod - a Super Mario World mod
30-04-2016Pirate map - Procedurally generated pirate map
11-04-2016Voronoi diagrams - Experimentation with voronoi diagrams
27-08-2015Image in terminal - Displaying images in a terminal
17-04-2015RopeBox - a small platforming game for ludum dare
14-12-2012HenchManager - a small strategy game for ludum dare
25-10-2012Thunar Dropbox - a Thunar plugin to integrate with Dropbox
20-04-2012Core Buster - a small space game for ludum dare
16-03-2012CHIP-8 - a chip8 emulator
16-12-2011Tomes of Solitude - a small game for ludum dare
20-03-2010VolumeIcon - a lightweight volume control for the systray
21-02-2010Siphon - a small platformer for written in C using SDL and OpenGL
04-02-2008Hotmail Notifier - a Miranda plugin that checks a hotmail account for new messages.